Thank you for your generosity during our iGiveCatholic campaigns! Below is an update on our security and technology projects. You are making such a difference at our parish!
Audio-Visual in the Sanctuary, Narthex, and Overflow
Equipment has been received. Contract with the cabinet maker has been approved for the speaker enclosures. Installation is planned to begin in January. Once started, installation is expected to take about two weeks.
Cabling is complete except for final connections and testing needed once rack and equipment is installed in ushers’ closet.
Electrical will be completed once cabinets and equipment are installed.
Wifi access points have been installed and are operational.
Hearing-impaired system in the sanctuary - This is included with the audio and visual design for the sanctuary noted above.
Live-streaming - Enhancements are included with the audio and visual design for the sanctuary noted above.
As you are aware, these projects affect a lot of different areas and take a lot of time to define the requirements, meet with vendors, get bids, prepare contracts, order equipment, schedule installation, etc.
Our Technology Team has developed a comprehensive strategy to ensure we approach new purchases and other projects with a vision of our goals.
Completed projects:
Projection and sound technology in Adult Ed Room
Projection and sound technology in Classroom 9
Electronic access system for primary exterior doors
Intercoms for the office and preschool
Monitoring station for Guardian Ministry
Fire alarm system upgrade
Computer software upgrades
Computer security enhancements
Cabling and equipment upgrades
Addition of security cameras by the chapel
Replacement of phone system
Replacement of security alarm system
Migration to a serverless (cloud) environment
Thank you for sharing your gifts with our MBS family!