The Altar Servers at Most Blessed Sacrament Church provide a very important service to our parish community. They range in age from 10 to 18 (4th grade thru 12th grade) and are responsible for assisting at mass. Their duties include lighting candles and helping during receiving and preparation of the gifts. We usually have three Altar Servers at each mass and generally have about 50 individuals to help us throughout the year. We have an awards presentation every year and a year-end pizza party.
Training is provided by our Altar Server Chairman, Conrad Wangler. We appreciate his time and dedication coordinating the training and scheduling of this great group. A special thanks to all of our Altar Servers for their service at Mass during the year and to their parents for their transportation and overall support.
We appreciate Dr. Bruns Watts for his preparation of the award certificates and his many years of service with the Serra Club International, a group that supports vocations in the church. For more information, contact Conrad Wangler at 817-994-0054 or email at [email protected] . Pictures of the 2018 Altar Servers Awards are below.
Below are pictures of some of the Altar Servers who regularly help on Saturday at the 5 PM Masses. This year's Altar Server Awards 5 PM Mass was celebrated with Msgr. Joseph Scantlin presiding, and assisted by Deacon Willy Montano.