The Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 25, Verse 40, says: "And the King will say to them in reply, Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me."
The most important thing we can do for someone, particularly if they are lonely or infirmed, is to take the Body of Christ to them in a sacred and holy manner. These communion ministries are personal, where one Christian visits another with prayer or devotional material and communion. It is a way to befriend a person who may not have another visitor that day. It is a way to encourage the person with Christ`s promises. And while we are with the person, we can ask if they require anything from the Church, and let Msgr. Joe Pemberton, one of the Deacons, or other appropriate parish staff know of those needs.
Orientation sessions will be conducted for all new volunteers. Devotional materials, prayers, holy cards, rosaries, etc., are furnished for this ministry by Most Blessed Sacrament Parish. The time involved depends on the number of Catholic patients in the hospital, or are homebound or in long term care facilities. We do our best to visit everyone that we know are in the hospital, and also those who are homebound and in long term care. Two people from the church (for the Hospital Ministry only) travel together each Tuesday so everyone can be visited. This ministry also extends to the home bound and those in long term care facilities and is currently done weekly by a single communion minister. This service is a rewarding experience and appreciated and provided by 3 churches in the area.
WHEN : Tuesdays, usually once a month (Hospital Ministry only). Also, weekly, whenever convenient, for those in long term care facilities and the homebound
TIME : Whenever is convenient
PLACE : Arlington Memorial Hospital, other local hospitals, long term care facilities, or homebound parishioners.
Finally, personal "one to one training" will be accomplished by the new communion minister accompanying an experienced communion minister on his or her rounds.
All women and men who have been confirmed are eligible.
For more information, you may contact Bonnie Watkins at 817-261-2439 or [email protected], or Ed McGuinness at 817-798-0607 or