We were surrounded by our annual poinsettia tree, banners, wreaths and nativity in the celebration of the Christmas season again. Click on title to see pictures.
We had a wonderful turnout for our 2024 Trunk-or-Treat on October 29th! Thank you to those who provided candy, parking guidance, candy runners and especially to the owners of over 30 trunks that supported this event. Also, a special thank you to Fr. Binoy and to the Arlington Police Department who also supported the fun. Pictures are available by clicking the title!
Meals on Wheels of Tarrant County is reaching out again for help in providing a Christmas gift to every client who receives meals during the year. We currently have 35 volunteer drivers who deliver meals every week to clients from Most Blessed Sacrament Church, the North Arlington distribution site, and they look forward to giving a gift with the meals for the Christmas holiday. All gifts should be individually wrapped and tagged male or female. Collection boxes are at the church entrances. Deadline for gifts is December 8. Click on the title for more information and a list of gift suggestions.
Our annual Pet Blessing was held on Sunday, October 6. Fr. Binoy, joined by Deacon Willie, presided over the blessing. Click to see pictures of this event.
Knights of Columbus Council 9299 Blood Drive is Sunday October 13, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm in the MBS Family Life Center. The Knights will also be serving breakfast. Photo ID is required to donate. Click on the title for additional information.
Our Knights of Columbus Council 9299 held a pool party on July 20th. It was a great event of friends, food and fun. A big thank you to Richard and Barbara Rumenapp for hosting this event. Please click on the title for pictures.
Please support our Knights who will be marching in the July 4th parade! The parade starts at 9:00AM. For Knights who would like to march, please report to the assembly area (parade entry #40) at 8:30. Please note that both the assembly area and the route have changed this year. Further information is available by clicking on the title. Hope to see you there!
Our 2024 Vacation Bible School was held Jun 17-21. Approximately 100 children (pre-K to 5th grade) participated as well as nearly 70 youth and adult volunteers. Each day's focus included a new theme and saint: Monday - God's Love Helps Us Stand Strong - St. Patrick; Tuesday - Family and Friends Helps Us Stand Strong - St. Joesph; Wednesday - Prayer Helps Us Stand Strong - St. Margaret; Thursday - Trusting in God Helps Us Stand Strong - Mary, Mother of God; Friday - The Bible Helps Us Stand Strong - St. Jerome. A big thank you to all who attended and helped with this amazing week. Click the title for pictures and be sure to mark your calendars for next year's "True North" Vacation Bible School, June 9-13, 2025.
On May 4 and 5, we congratulated our Altar Servers. These 35 young men and women, including 4 seniors, were honored by the Serra Club and their President Jim Finkenkeller with certificates. Special thanks to Conrad Wrangler for chairing this exceptional group of young people.
We celebrated the Easter Vigil and Resurrection of Jesus on Saturday, March 30. At the Vigil, we welcomed 24 into full communion with our church which included 13 baptisms and 11 adult catechumens. Hymns and responses were accompanied by our Adult Choir and our Bell Choir. Pictures of the Vigil are available by clicking on this description.
Grease is the word! Get some overhead lifters and joing the Knights of Columbus #9299 for a Grease themed dance on Saturday, May 18 from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM in our Parish Hall. Tickets are $15.00 per person or $30.00 per couple. Please RSVP to [email protected].
2nd Annual OLG Celebration was celebrated with a Rosary, Matachines Dancers, Marachi Band, Food, Rose Procession to honor the Virgin Mary, One Mother of the World.
Most Blessed Sacrament Church serves as the North Arlington Distribution location for Meals on Wheels of Tarrant County. Many of our homebound clients are isolated and have no family or friends to visit them. Consequently, we strive to give every client a gift during the holiday season. Our drivers at Most Blessed Sacrament will be delivering gifts the week of December 11th. If you would like to contribute a wrapped gift, a list of suggestions can be found by clicking on the title.
Join our Knights of Columbus for the 19th Annual Bill Pavliska Charity Golf Tournament. Shotgun start on the 29th at 12:30 PM at Lake Arlington Golf Club. Click for more details.